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The long slow sleep of death.


The long slow sleep of death. Darkness. No dream disturbs my rest nor nightmare wake me from my empty slumber.  How long this sleep? Time is meaningless in my oblivion, and what time I spend in the waking world will not age me.


I am awoken.


Where I am is unfamiliar. Unknown. What memories I may once have had when I breathed I do not recall. But it is not important as all that matters is that my enemies die.

Once the bloodlust would have taken me, and I would swooped on my enemies and crushed my enemy beneath me into a faceless fleshy heap. Yes blood was important once but that is gone now. My once mighty resolve has gone. No will do I posses. It exists no more.


When, with a tearing of the veil between two worlds, I arrive, my enemies are always close. So close.  Despair. Faces drop in horror, skin pales, legs weaken. Terror oft takes them.  So many of my brothers arriving, so suddenly. We unleash our weapons at the traitors. Dread at our coming is half the battle. If they are brave and do not flee we fire again and charge. Merciless our assault.


I follow my leader into battle. I have fought with them before, many times, but yet I know not their name. My feet do not feel the solid ground as once they did. I cover the distance toward the cowards as if a deathly angel carried on unseen wings. I let out no battle cry as I feel sure I did - before I died.  I am without fear.

I feel no emotion as I aim and pull the trigger. No surge of anger raises in my chest towards my hated foes as blade hacks flesh. Bone shatters. They fire, yet barely do I feel their weapons. I experience no pain as red hot metal tears my armour asunder. Seemingly they pass through me on times, but they can sting still. I watch  my warrior brothers fall. If I still could feel, I would grieve their loss and envy them too, as their part is over. Another will take their place. Nothing. I feel nothing. No surge of adrenalin, no fear of death, no weakness of flesh. There is only icy determination to eliminate those who I know I should hate, yet unable to. I am cold bitter death. The foe vanquished, the ground he once thought was his, now is mine. Victory won, a battle cry passes my lips, or once it did. Once it would have. But no more.


My task complete, my burden set aside - for a time. To rest until I rise and join my brothers again. I will serve once more, perhaps one last time, for the unknown master who commands me. Forever.



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